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Fattoria Santa Lucia

Pontedera - Tuscany

We are in an area with a splendid view, in the heart of Tuscany, between Pisa and Florence.

This is a very ancient farm and there are traces of its lands with splendid vineyards and olive trees, already in the 19th century, a period in which wine was "bought on the plant", even before the harvest, so as to ensure the “drink of  gods” by paying a price set through an auction.

Nowday Fattoria Santa Lucia gather farms and lands that once belonged to different families. Green hills boast splendid woods with nature trails, vineyards, olive groves, farmhouse…; a full immersion in the nature.

The rows, mainly exposed to southeast, are spread over three plateaus (Poggio di Santa Lucia, Podere Roma and Borgo alla Cantina). The soil is made of medium texture with sand, clay and marine gravel, as well as a large amount of fossil shells. In order to keep a constant quality over time, vines have been renewed by taking  the grapevines of the pre-existing vineyards. Ciliegiolo, Sangiovese, San Colombano, Canaiolo, Vermentino and Trebbiano make these hills beautiful from spring to autumn, giving wines in purity and blend.

The harvest is manual; the vinification takes place in steel vats, and then the finest wines rest in barrique and tonneau, with aging in the bottle. In recent years, new trials of aging and fermentation have also been activated in terracotta, where the wine breathes and takes on different notes.

The farm is organic!
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BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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