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Olearia San Giorgio

San Giorgio Morgeto - Calabria

Olearia San Giorgio, is located in Calabria, in San Giorgio Morgeto, a charming medieval village.

It was 1940 when Micu started Olearia San Giorgio. Micu, as Domenico was called. Micu had 10 children, five boys and five girls. Women looked after the house, the family, and helped out in the countryside when needed. The olive trees belonged to the five males; under the guidance of their father, they took care of the plants, accompanying them through the various stages to arrive at the harvest with healthy olives that would give them the resources they needed for a whole year. At first, Micu and his sons rented lands; later, they managed to have their own olive groves and oil mill. The Fazari brothers had created five different farms with 180 hectares of olive groves and 20 hectares of citrus cultivation. Today the farms are united in Olearia San Giorgio.

In the beginning oil was only produced and marketed in Calabria. From the year 2000, many people started to taste and consume it. The oils began to be appreciated and sold both in Italy and abroad. Excellence started to become known.

Today we have different types of oils: blends and monocultivars, made from olives typical of this territory and beyond. Carolea, Ottobratica, Sinopolese. Healthy olives to produce healthy and organoleptically excellent oils.

To complete the range, Olearia San Giorgio also offers other products linked to the agricultural world, all prepared with olive oil as the protagonist: breadsticks, preserves, patè, panettone and colomba
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