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Pastificio Fiorentino

Castelfiorentino - Tuscany

This is an organic farm in the heart of Tuscany.

Carmelo Floriddia carried on the work of his family who had started to work those lands in the 1950s.

Fields are cultivated following the natural rotations with the addition of nitrogen-fixing crops to achieve a long-term improvement in the health of the soil and the restoration of the nutrients. This method allows a greater respect for the environment ensuring a sustainable agricultural process.

The cultural background and several years of work abroad have given Carmelo a wide and enlightened vision. In complete respect for the environment he produces tasty products with important nutritional characteristics.

He introduced Senatore Cappelli, the ancient durum wheat that gives unique characteristics to pasta. It is a grain that grows tall and healthy without the use of chemicals, it makes highly digestible pasta, rich in vitamins and mineral salts. It makes a high quality pasta, bronze drawn and not stressed by high drying temperatures.
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BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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