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Extra Virgin Olive Oil taste - Tenuta di San Donato - (Tuscany)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil taste - Tenuta di San Donato - (Tuscany)
€ 30,00

From an ancient village you will enjoy a beautiful view of Florence...

Languages: English, Italian and French

Where: Calenzano - Florence (Tuscany)

When: all days from May to September (August not included)

Tenuta San Donato is located on a hill, sometimes wrapped in a mist that makes it seem suspended in the clouds. The scent of history, of an ancient noble family and of people who have chosen and love the countryside. A careful recovery of tradition for a reality that includes an oil mill and a beautiful cellar. It is nice to hear the history of this place and taste extra virgin oils behind which there is a careful study and a lot of work to obtain high quality products in which to recognize different kind of scents

Reservations are kindly requested at least ten days in advance by writing to or calling +39 3317544407

BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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