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Visit and local products Tasting - Roccafiore winery (Umbria)

Visit and local products Tasting - Roccafiore winery (Umbria)
€ 28,00

A beautiful walk through the vineyards with tasting of exceptional local products

Languages: Italian and English

Where: in Chioano - Todi (PG)

When: Monday to Saturday starting at 11.00, 14.00 or 16.00

We are in Todi, inside the Roccafiore winery, a paradise in the heart of Umbria. The visit includes a walk outside, between the rows of vines, and a visit inside the cellar to understand how the wines are made. The visit continues in the ageing rooms and in the cellar with the inimitable scent of wine in the air. The visit ends with a tasting of five wines from the Roccafiore collection together with local products from the farm, such as: Cinta Senese cured meats from the small in-house breeding farm, bruschette with Roccafiore extra virgin olive oil, and home-made pastries

Reservations are kindly requested at least ten days in advance, by writing to or calling +39 3317544407.

BEGREENTELLIGENT Srl ha partecipato al Programma operativo regionale (POR) del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (Fesr) 2014-2020 con il progetto BEGREENTELLIGENT EXPERIENCE co-finanziato dal Microcredito e dal Bando "Sostegno alla creazione di start-up innovative"
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